


  • Goal : 将Nocalhost Sever部署到Kubernetes群集。
  • Estimate time : 5 minutes
  • Requirements :

    • Any local or remote Kubernetes cluster (minikube, Docker Desktop, TKE, GKE, EKS, AKS, Rancher, ...). Allocate at least 4 GB of memory for single node clusters like Docker Desktop and minikube.
    • RBAC must be enabled in above cluster
    • Configured kubeconfig file that has namespace admin privilege
    • Nocalhost IDE Plugin installed
    • Kubernetes api-server can be accessed internal and external
    • Helm 3+

1. Add Helm Chart Repository

helm repo add nocalhost "https://nocalhost-helm.pkg.coding.net/nocalhost/nocalhost"
helm repo update

2. Install the Nocalhost Server

helm install nocalhost nocalhost/nocalhost -n nocalhost --create-namespace


The above deployment will create a pvc for mariadb. If you do not have pvc or without permission to create, you can use the --set mariadb.primary.persistence.enabled=false to deploy Nocalhost Server without creating pvc.

3. Waiting for Pods to be Ready

You can check the pods status by kubectl or other Kubernetes tools.

❯ kubectl -n nocalhost get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nocalhost-api-b48f7799d-wr4ps   1/1     Running   3          2m7s
nocalhost-mariadb-0             1/1     Running   0          2m2s
nocalhost-web-9dd659b8-s89f4    1/1     Running   0          2m7s

4. Port-Forwarding to Access Web Service

Once the deployment completed, you need to manually port-forward the Nocalhost Web Service to local by using the following command.

❯ kubectl -n nocalhost port-forward service/nocalhost-web 8080:80

You can now access the nocalhost dashboard with

Default username and password to access web service
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: 123456

5. Add Dev Cluster

Access the nocalhost dashboard, ClusterAdd Cluster. Copy the contents of the Admin kubeconfig and paste it into the input box.

Add dev cluster

Dev cluster info