
Develop KubeSphere with Nocalhost

1. Preparation

Since KubeSphere must deploy on the specific Kubernetes namespaces, a standalone Kubernetes cluster is required. You can KubeSphere on a private cluster, like Docker Desktop, minikube, and so on. Kubernetes cluster hosting on public cloud platform (GKE, AWS EKS, AKS ...) would be fine as well.

2. Installation

Run the following commands on a Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/releases/download/v3.1.1/kubesphere-installer.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/releases/download/v3.1.1/cluster-configuration.yaml

After installation, access with browser, and you will see KubeSphere Dashboard. Log in with admin as username, and P@88w0rd as password.

3. Development

There are several services deployed in namespace kubesphere-system. I will take service ks-apiserver as an example to demonstrate how to develop KubeSphere service with Nocalhost.

First of all, install Goland with Nocalhost plugin. Then, add Kubernetes cluster with KubeSphere installed by Nocalhost plugin. Next, find deployment ks-apiserver from the tree of Nocalhost plugin. Right click it, and click Dev Config on menu. Copy and paste the following configure to the file opened just now.

name: ks-apiserver
serviceType: deployment
  - name: ks-apiserver
        gitUrl: https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere.git
        image: codingcorp-docker.pkg.coding.net/nocalhost/dev-images/golang:1.16
        shell: ""
        workDir: /home/nocalhost-dev
        storageClass: ""
        resources: null
        persistentVolumeDirs: []
            build: []
              - go
              - run
              - /home/nocalhost-dev/cmd/ks-apiserver/apiserver.go
              - dlv
              - --headless
              - --log
              - --listen
              - :2345
              - --api-version
              - "2"
              - --accept-multiclient
              - debug
              - /home/nocalhost-dev/cmd/ks-apiserver/apiserver.go
            hotReloadRun: []
            hotReloadDebug: []
            remoteDebugPort: 2345
        useDevContainer: false
        sync: null
        env: []
        envFrom: null
        portForward: []

For more details about the configure file, see Config Reference.

Save the file. Finally, right click deployment ks-apiserver and click Start DevMode on menu.

After DevMode started, you can just start run or debug by clicking Run/Debug on Goland project.

Enjoy your development of KubeSphere services.