
DevMode Mesh

为什么要网格 DevMode

考虑多个用户可能需要同时开发一项服务,但是如果使用 DevMode 重复,它将不会接收流量,如果使用 DevMode 替换,它只能由一个用户 Dev,因此我们创建另一个称为 MESH DEVMODE 的 DevMode,请使用特殊的标题将路由到您的 Devmode Pod,其他流量将路由到原始 POD。



Like the picture below:

Service A is original, receive inbound traffic

Service A' is created by one user enter mesh devMode with special header Header: a=1

Service A'' is created by another user enter mesh devMode with special header Header: a=2

Traffic with header Header: a=1 will route to Service A'

Traffic with header Header: a=2 will route to Service A''

Otherwise, traffic will other header, like Header: b=1 or Header: c=2 or without header, will handle by Service A



Right-click Start Mesh(Duplicate) on the Jetbrains and VS Code extension to enter Mesh DevMode:


Then, you need to set a header to indicate traffic with this header will route to this pod. image

Enter Mesh DevMode and you will see the corresponding icon of the workload, indicating that the workload is in Mesh DevMode.



我们是否需要安装 ISTIO 来使用网格 Devmode?

No, Mesh DevMode use envoy as data-plane, not depends on istio.

Duplicate DevMode Replace DevModeMesh DevMode有什么区别?
Mesh DevMode 是否支持所有协议?

No, it just supports HTTP/GRPC.


There is no limitation on the number of duplicates in Nocalhost. Theoretically, Mesh DevMode can be run on any number of devices to create their own duplicates for development. However, it may be limited by cluster resources in real scenarios.

如何验证网格 devmode 正常工作?

You can not use port-forward to verify Mesh devMode, because of localhost traffic will route to local, you can use two ways to verify it:

  • enter another pod terminal, use command line curl to send request to origin pod with special header to verify Mesh DevMode.
  • port-forward service to local, access this service with special header to verify Mesh DevMode.