nhctl pvc
Manage PersistVolumeClaims
| Usage:
nhctl pvc [command]
Available Commands:
clean Clean up PersistVolumeClaims
list List PersistVolumeClaims
nhctl pvc clean
Clean up PersistVolumeClaims
| Flags:
--app string Clean up PVCs of specified application
--controller string Clean up PVCs of specified service
-h, --help help for clean
--name string Clean up specified PVC
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl pvc list
List PersistVolumeClaims
| Flags:
--app string List PVCs of specified application
-h, --help help for list
--json Use json as the output format
--svc string List PVCs of specified service
--yaml Use yaml as the output format
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace