nhctl init
Init demo or dep component
| Usage:
nhctl init [command]
Available Commands:
demo Init Nocalhost with demo mode
dep dep component
nhctl init demo
Init api, web and dep component in cluster
| !!! example
nhctl init demo -n [DevSpace Name] -t nodeport -p [port]
nhctl init demo -n [DevSpace Name]
| Flags:
--force force to init, warning: it will remove all nocalhost old data
-h, --help help for demo
--inject-user-amount int inject user amount, example 10, max is 999
--inject-user-offset int inject user id offset, default is 1 (default 1)
--inject-user-template string inject users template, example Techo%d, max length is 15
-p, --port int for NodePort usage set ports (default 80)
--set strings set values of helm
-s, --source string (Deprecated) bookinfo source, github or coding, default is github
-t, --type string set NodePort or LoadBalancer to expose nocalhost service
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl init dep
| Flags:
-h, --help help for dep
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace