nhctl dev
Dev Operations
| Usage:
nhctl dev [command]
Available Commands:
associate associate service dev dir
cmd Run cmd in dev container
end end dev model
reset reset service
start Start DevMode
terminal Enter dev container's terminal
nhctl dev associate
Associate service dev dir
| nhctl dev associate [Name] [flags]
| Flags:
-s, --associate string dev mode work directory
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
--de-associate de associate(for test)
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for associate
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl dev cmd
Run cmd in dev container
| nhctl dev cmd [NAME] [flags]
| Flags:
-c, --container string which container of pod to run command
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string K8s deployment which your developing service exists
--dev-command-type string Dev command type can be: build, run, debug, hotReloadRun, hotReloadDebug
-h, --help help for cmd
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl dev end
End dev model
| nhctl dev end [NAME] [flags]
| Flags:
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for end
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl dev reset
Reset service
| nhctl dev reset [NAME] [flags]
| Flags:
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for reset
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl dev start
Start DevMode
| nhctl dev start [NAME] [flags]
| Flags:
-c, --container string container to develop
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment your developing service exists
-h, --help help for start
-i, --image string image of DevContainer
-s, --local-sync strings local directory to sync
--priority-class string PriorityClass used by devContainer
--shell string use current shell cmd to enter terminal while dev start success
--sidecar-image string image of nocalhost-sidecar container
--storage-class string StorageClass used by PV
--syncthing-version string versions of syncthing and this flag is use for debug only
--without-sync do not start file-sync while dev start success
--without-terminal do not enter terminal directly while dev start success
--work-dir string container's work directory
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
nhctl dev terminal
Enter dev container's terminal
| nhctl dev terminal [NAME] [flags]
| Flags:
-c, --container string container to enter
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for terminal
--pod string pod to enter
--shell string shell cmd while enter dev container
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace