0.4.19 (2021-08-03)¶
- Built syncthing bin package into nhctl
- Supports multiple hooks in the application life cycle
- Supports cluster status checking
- Supports JetBrains PHP remote debugging
VS Code¶
- Add icon for syncService
- Add status for cluster
- Add guide information when there is no cluster
- Fixed the ssh trust problem when installing application for the first time
- Fixed the run command
- Fixed failing to get config of statefulset
- Fixed status icon of statefulset displaying incorrectly
- Supports JetBrains IDEs 2021.2
- Supports namespace PVC clear
- Host key checking skip for cloning git repository over SSH
- A more friendly notification for nhctl command messages
- Add PHP remote debugging supports
- Add cluster status display
- Add guide message
- NPEs
0.4.18 (2021-07-23)¶
- Fixed the applications list error caused by unstable network connection
- Fixed the
get resource
freeze issue
0.4.14 (2021-07-07)¶
- Fixed statefulset port-forward failure issue.
- Fixed the issue Firewall alert will be triggered when update nhctl or restart Daemon in Windows system
- Fixed the issue where null pointer caused the daemon to exit
- Disable the execution of cronjob tasks when cronjob enters DevMode
- Execute
helm repo update
command before install helm application - Combine all
waiting job init_container
to one nocalhost config
supports complex (any form of yaml) helm values- Supports WEB/Plugin status token refresh
- Add terminal reconnection features, support automatic reconnection after computer sleep and network disconnection
VS Code¶
0.4.13 (2021-07-07)¶
- Fixed: the issue of missing development status
- Fixed: YAML parse error
- Fixed: nhctl download on windows
- Fixed: display cluster account info on tool tip instead of node name
- Supports add notification after copying terminal
0.4.11 (2021-06-29)¶
- Optimize test case
- Supports annotations configuration
- Supports Helm application install/uninstall in Nocalhost
VS Code¶
- Supports install standalone app
- Supports Job/CronJob/Pod enter DevMode
- Supports Application Port-Forward management
- Supports VSCode Workspace trust
- Fixed: error causes by empty server version
- Fixed: complete config read only conditions
- Fixed: filter application config file by parsing file content and checking application name
- Supports rename standalone cluster
- Supports install standalone app
- Supports open multiple consoles for the same container
- Supports Job/CronJob/Pod enter DevMode
- Start dev mode without waiting for pods ready
0.4.10 (2021-06-24)¶
- Fixed: When port-froward does not has permission and fails, but displayed successfully issue
- Fixed: Port-forwarded to api-server of http protocal failure issue
- Removed yaml plugin dependency, solve the initialization issue in some version
VS Code¶
- Tree menu is rendering by nhctl now
- Supports install Application in standalone version
- Supports Job/CronJob/Pod enter DevMode
- Support PortForwrd management in Application
0.4.9 (2021-06-04)¶
supports DaemonSet to enter DevMode
VS Code¶
- Fixed: the server cluster query log issue
- Fixed: multiple download boxes issue
- Fixed: add sudo while starting port forward for port less than 1024
- Remove kubectl dependency
- Fixed: replace snakeyaml with nhctl yaml on tree rendering
- Fixed: fail to start dev mode on windows
- Fixed: check process termination before sending ctrl+c
- Fixed: fail to create kubeconfig on windows
- Supports DaemonSet enter DevMode
- Supports to check server version when listing applications
- Supports use application type from server
- Add open project action for workloads in dev mode
0.4.8 (2021-06-08)¶
- Fixed: failed to clear all PVCs issue
- Fixed: helmRepo application failed to upgrade issue
0.4.7 (2021-06-04)¶
- Supports to display Helm app in IDEA
- Supports read nocalhostConfig by cm has the highest priority
- Supports smooth upgrade of Windows
- Supports dev parameters of
type - Supports read configuration file from source code
- Supports read configuration file from
- Supports user values file when using helm upgrade
VS Code¶
- Fixed "Passing undefined parameters when cleaning up all pvc" issue
- Optimize performance
- Fixed: extend sync status update interval
- Fixed: project settings saving
0.4.6 (2021-06-02)¶
- Fixed the "ignore pattern" issue
- Cluster config supports preview on the web
- Sorted the context of kubeconfig returned by the API
- Optimized the tree display and features
VS Code¶
- Support clearing the pvc of DevSpace
- Fixed "lock downloading nhctl file" issue
- Fixed "statefulSet state display error" issue
- Fixed "keep configuration notes" issue
- Fixed "statefulSet file sync" issue
- Fixed "mute application not found error while refreshing tree" issue
- Fixed "add controller type to nhctl command while starting run/debug" issue
- Fixed "make resume and override sync status asynchronously" issue
- Fixed "NPE while nhctl getting resources" issue
- Fixed "lock downloading nhctl file" issue
- Fixed: "frozen after dev start" issue
- Reactor: Replace kubectl with nhctl
0.4.5 (2021-05-27)¶
- dev start supports full path
- Add Sidecar fixed resource limitation (CPU: 200, MEM: 200)
- Fixed ths issue that the special typing of syncthing ignore cannot be recognized
VS Code¶
- Supports nhctl automatic upgrade
- Supports multi-user collaboration mode
- Supports to enter DevMode in StatefulSets
- Fixed the apply failure issues
- Fixed the unsync issue of statefulSet in DevMode
- Supports nhctl automatic upgrade
- Supports multi-user collaboration mode
- Supports to enter DevMode in StatefulSets
0.4.4 (2021-05-25)¶
🐛 Bug Fixed
Fixed minor issues in 0.4.3 release
0.4.3 (2021-05-24)¶
🚀 New Feature
- Release “standalone version”. Now can start application development by just add
for existing Kubernetes clusters and workloads - IDE plugin now will install
automatically - Supports to enter DevMode in StatefulSets (VSCode only)
🐛 Bug Fixed
- Fixed file synchronization stability issue
- Fixed the port forwarding issue “not manager by this daemon” issue
- Fixed the port forwarding failed to exit issue
- Optimize JetBrains plugin performance