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本文档适用于熟悉Knative事件的对象模型的人。 你不需要成为专家,但需要大致了解事物是如何组合在一起的。


  1. 设置Knative事件和事件贡献资源.



src -> chan -> sub -> svc -> fn

参见example.yaml了解整个YAML。 要使本指南中的任何命令生效,必须应用example.yaml:

kubectl apply --filename example.yaml


Knative事件将在knative-debug命名空间中发生KubernetesEvent时发生。 我们可以通过以下命令来实现:

kubectl --namespace knative-debug run to-be-deleted --image=image-that-doesnt-exist --restart=Never
# 5 seconds is arbitrary. We want K8s to notice that the Pod needs to be scheduled and generate at least one event.
sleep 5
kubectl --namespace knative-debug delete pod to-be-deleted


kubectl --namespace knative-debug get events


LAST SEEN   FIRST SEEN   COUNT     NAME                             KIND      SUBOBJECT                        TYPE      REASON                   SOURCE                                         MESSAGE
20s         20s          1         to-be-deleted.157aadb9f376fc4e   Pod                                        Normal    Scheduled                default-scheduler                              Successfully assigned knative-debug/to-be-deleted to gke-kn24-default-pool-c12ac83b-pjf2



kubectl --namespace knative-debug logs -l app=fn -c user-container



首先要检查的是所有创建的资源,他们的状态包含ready true?


  1. fn - Deployment 在Knative中没有依赖关系。
  2. svc - Service 在Knative内部没有依赖关系。
  3. chan - Channel 取决于它的支持channel implementation和一些取决于sub
  4. src - Source 取决于 chan.
  5. sub - Subscription 取决于chansvc.


kubectl --namespace knative-debug get deployment fn -o jsonpath='{.status.availableReplicas}'

我们想看到1。 如果你没有,那么你需要调试Deploymentstatus中有什么明显的错误吗?

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get deployment fn --output yaml



kubectl --namespace knative-debug get pod -l app=fn -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.conditions[?(@.type == "Ready")].status}'

This should return True. If it doesn't, then try to debug the Deployment using the Kubernetes Application Debugging guide.


kubectl --namespace knative-debug get service svc

We just want to ensure this exists and has the correct name. If it doesn't exist, then you probably need to re-apply example.yaml.

Verify it points at the expected pod.

svcLabels=$(kubectl --namespace knative-debug get service svc -o go-template='{{range $k, $v := .spec.selector}}{{ $k }}={{ $v }},{{ end }}' | sed 's/.$//' )
kubectl --namespace knative-debug get pods -l $svcLabels

This should return a single Pod, which if you inspect is the one generated by fn.


chan uses the in-memory-channel. This is a very basic channel and has few failure modes that will be exhibited in chan's status.

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get chan -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type == "Ready")].status}'

This should return True. If it doesn't, get the full resource:

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get chan --output yaml

If status is completely missing, it implies that something is wrong with the in-memory-channel controller. See Channel Controller.

Next verify that chan is addressable:

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get chan -o jsonpath='{.status.address.hostname}'

This should return a URI, likely ending in '.cluster.local'. If it doesn't, then it implies that something went wrong during reconciliation. See Channel Controller.

We will verify that the two resources that the chan creates exist and are Ready.


chan creates a K8s Service.

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get service -l

It's spec is completely unimportant, as Istio will ignore it. It just needs to exist so that src can send events to it. If it doesn't exist, it implies that something went wrong during chan reconciliation. See Channel Controller.


src is a ApiServerSource.

First we will verify that src is writing to chan.

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get apiserversource src -o jsonpath='{.spec.sink}'

Which should return map[ kind:Channel name:chan]. If it doesn't, then src was setup incorrectly and its spec needs to be fixed. Fixing should be as simple as updating its spec to have the correct sink (see example.yaml).

Now that we know src is sending to chan, let's verify that it is Ready.

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get apiserversource src -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(.type == "Ready")].status}'


sub is a Subscription from chan to fn.

Verify that sub is Ready:

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get subscription sub -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(.type == "Ready")].status}'

This should return True. If it doesn't then, look at all the status entries.

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get subscription sub --output yaml


Each of the resources has a Controller that is watching it. As of today, they tend to do a poor job of writing failure status messages and events, so we need to look at the Controller's logs.


The Kubernetes Deployment Controller, which controls fn, is out of scope for this document.


The Kubernetes Service Controller, controlling svc, is out of scope for this document.


There is not a single Channel Controller. Instead, there is one Controller for each Channel CRD. chan uses the InMemoryChannel Channel CRD, whose Controller is:

kubectl --namespace knative-eventing get pod -l, --output yaml

See its logs with:

kubectl --namespace knative-eventing logs -l,

Pay particular attention to any lines that have a logging level of warning or error.


Each Source will have its own Controller. src is a ApiServerSource, so its Controller is:

kubectl --namespace knative-eventing get pod -l app=sources-controller

This is actually a single binary that runs multiple Source Controllers, importantly including ApiServerSource Controller.

ApiServerSource 控制器

The ApiServerSource Controller is run in the same binary as some other Source Controllers from Eventing. It is:

kubectl --namespace knative-debug get pod -l,

View its logs with:

kubectl --namespace knative-debug logs -l,

Pay particular attention to any lines that have a logging level of warning or error.


The Subscription Controller controls sub. It attempts to resolve the addresses that a Channel should send events to, and once resolved, inject those into the Channel's spec.subscribable.

kubectl --namespace knative-eventing get pod -l app=eventing-controller

View its logs with:

kubectl --namespace knative-eventing logs -l app=eventing-controller

Pay particular attention to any lines that have a logging level of warning or error.


The entire Control Plane looks healthy, but we're still not getting any events. Now we need to investigate the data plane.

The Knative event takes the following path:

  1. Event is generated by src.

  2. In this case, it is caused by having a Kubernetes Event trigger it, but as far as Knative is concerned, the Source is generating the event denovo (from nothing).

  3. src is POSTing the event to chan's address, http://chan-kn-channel.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local.

  4. The Channel Dispatcher receives the request and introspects the Host header to determine which Channel it corresponds to. It sees that it corresponds to knative-debug/chan so forwards the request to the subscribers defined in sub, in particular svc, which is backed by fn.

  5. fn receives the request and logs it.

We will investigate components in the order in which events should travel.


The Channel Dispatcher is the component that receives POSTs pushing events into Channels and then POSTs to subscribers of those Channels when an event is received. For the in-memory-channel used in this example, there is a single binary that handles both the receiving and dispatching sides for all in-memory-channel Channels.

First we will inspect the Dispatcher's logs to see if it is anything obvious:

kubectl --namespace knative-eventing logs -l, -c dispatcher

Ideally we will see lines like:

{"level":"info","ts":"2019-08-16T13:50:55.424Z","logger":"","caller":"provisioners/message_receiver.go:147","msg":"Request mapped to channel: knative-debug/chan-kn-channel","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2019-08-16T13:50:55.425Z","logger":"","caller":"provisioners/message_dispatcher.go:112","msg":"Dispatching message to http://svc.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local/","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2019-08-16T13:50:55.981Z","logger":"","caller":"provisioners/message_receiver.go:140","msg":"Received request for chan-kn-channel.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher"}

Which shows that the request is being received and then sent to svc, which is returning a 2XX response code (likely 200, 202, or 204).

However if we see something like:

{"level":"info","ts":"2019-08-16T16:10:16.859Z","logger":"","caller":"provisioners/message_receiver.go:140","msg":"Received request for chan-kn-channel.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2019-08-16T16:10:16.859Z","logger":"","caller":"provisioners/message_receiver.go:147","msg":"Request mapped to channel: knative-debug/chan-kn-channel","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2019-08-16T16:10:16.859Z","logger":"","caller":"provisioners/message_dispatcher.go:112","msg":"Dispatching message to http://svc.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local/","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher"}
{"level":"error","ts":"2019-08-16T16:10:38.169Z","logger":"","caller":"fanout/fanout_handler.go:121","msg":"Fanout had an error","":"in-memory-channel-dispatcher","error":"Unable to complete request Post http://svc.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local/: dial tcp i/o timeout","stacktrace":"*Handler).dispatch\n\t/Users/xxxxxx/go/src/\\n\t/Users/i512777/go/src/"}

Then we know there was a problem posting to http://svc.knative-debug.svc.cluster.local/.

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