

证书管理器的一个常见用例是请求 TLS 签名证书来保护您的入口源。 这可以通过简单地添加注释到您的Ingress源和证书管理器将促进为您创建Certificate源来完成。 cert-manager 的一个小子组件 ingress-shim 负责这一点。


子组件 ingress-shim 监视整个集群中的Ingress源。 如果它观察到一个带有受支持的注释部分中描述的注释的Ingress,它将确保在Ingress的命名空间中存在一个Certificate源,其名称在tls.secretName字段中提供,并按照Ingress中描述的配置。 例如:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    # add an annotation indicating the issuer to use.
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: nameOfClusterIssuer
  name: myIngress
  namespace: myIngress
    - host: example.com
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: /
                name: myservice
                  number: 80
  tls: # < placing a host in the TLS config will determine what ends up in the cert's subjectAltNames
    - hosts:
        - example.com
      secretName: myingress-cert # < cert-manager will store the created certificate in this secret.


您可以在 Ingress 源上指定以下注释,以触发自动创建 Certificate 源:

  • cert-manager.io/issuer: Issuer 的名称,以获得此进入所需的证书。Issuer 必须 与 Ingress 源在相同的命名空间中。

  • cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: ClusterIssuer 的名称,以获取此 Ingress 所需的证书。您的 Ingress 驻留在哪个名称空间并不重要,因为 ClusterIssuers 是非名称空间源。

  • cert-manager.io/issuer-kind: 外部发行者源的类型,例如AWSPCAIssuer。这只对树外发行者有必要。

  • cert-manager.io/issuer-group: the API group of the external issuer controller, for example awspca.cert-manager.io. This is only necessary for out-of-tree issuers.

  • kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true": this annotation requires additional configuration of the ingress-shim see below. Namely, a default Issuer must be specified as arguments to the ingress-shim container.

  • acme.cert-manager.io/http01-ingress-class: this annotation allows you to configure the ingress class that will be used to solve challenges for this ingress. Customizing this is useful when you are trying to secure internal services, and need to solve challenges using a different ingress class to that of the ingress. If not specified and the acme-http01-edit-in-place annotation is not set, this defaults to the ingress class defined in the Issuer resource.

  • acme.cert-manager.io/http01-edit-in-place: "true": this controls whether the ingress is modified 'in-place', or a new one is created specifically for the HTTP01 challenge. If present, and set to "true", the existing ingress will be modified. Any other value, or the absence of the annotation assumes "false". This annotation will also add the annotation "cert-manager.io/issue-temporary-certificate": "true" onto created certificates which will cause a temporary certificate to be set on the resulting Secret until the final signed certificate has been returned. This is useful for keeping compatibility with the ingress-gce component.

  • cert-manager.io/common-name: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.commonName for the Certificate to be generated.

  • cert-manager.io/duration: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.duration field for the Certificate to be generated.

  • cert-manager.io/renew-before: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.renewBefore field for the Certificate to be generated.

  • cert-manager.io/usages: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.usages field for the Certificate to be generated. Pass a string with comma-separated values i.e "key agreement,digital signature, server auth"

  • cert-manager.io/revision-history-limit: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.revisionHistoryLimit field to limit the number of CertificateRequests to be kept for a Certificate. Minimum value is 1. If unset all CertificateRequests will be kept.

  • cert-manager.io/private-key-algorithm: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.privateKey.algorithm field to set the algorithm for private key generation for a Certificate. Valid values are RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519. If unset an algorithm RSA will be used.

  • cert-manager.io/private-key-encoding: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.privateKey.encoding field to set the encoding for private key generation for a Certificate. Valid values are PKCS1 and PKCS8. If unset an algorithm PKCS1 will be used.

  • cert-manager.io/private-key-size: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.privateKey.size field to set the size of the private key for a Certificate. If algorithm is set to RSA, valid values are 2048, 4096 or 8192, and will default to 2048 if not specified. If algorithm is set to ECDSA, valid values are 256, 384 or 521, and will default to 256 if not specified. If algorithm is set to Ed25519, size is ignored.

  • cert-manager.io/private-key-rotation-policy: (optional) this annotation allows you to configure spec.privateKey.rotationPolicy field to set the rotation policy of the private key for a Certificate. Valid values are Never and Always. If unset a rotation policy Never will be used.


ingress-shim 子组件作为安装的一部分自动部署。

If you would like to use the old kube-lego kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" annotation for fully automated TLS, you will need to configure a default Issuer when deploying cert-manager. This can be done by adding the following --set when deploying using Helm:

   --set ingressShim.defaultIssuerName=letsencrypt-prod \
   --set ingressShim.defaultIssuerKind=ClusterIssuer \
   --set ingressShim.defaultIssuerGroup=cert-manager.io

Or by adding the following arguments to the cert-manager deployment podTemplate container arguments.

  - --default-issuer-name=letsencrypt-prod
  - --default-issuer-kind=ClusterIssuer
  - --default-issuer-group=cert-manager.io

In the above example, cert-manager will create Certificate resources that reference the ClusterIssuer letsencrypt-prod for all Ingresses that have a kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" annotation.

Issuers configured via annotations have a preference over the default issuer. If a default issuer is configured via CLI flags and a cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer or cert-manager.io/issuer annotation also has been added to an Ingress, the created Certificate will refer to the issuer configured via annotation.

For more information on deploying cert-manager, read the installation guide.


If you do not see a Certificate resource being created after applying the ingress-shim annotations check that at least cert-manager.io/issuer or cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer is set. If you want to use kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" make sure to have checked all steps above and you might want to look for errors in the cert-manager pod logs if not resolved.