

csi-driver 是一个容器存储接口(CSI)驱动插件,用于 Kubernetes 与 cert-manager 一起工作。 这个插件的目标是无缝地请求并将证书密钥对挂载到 pods。 这对于促进 mTLS,或以其他方式保护具有保证现有证书的 pods 的连接,同时具有证书管理器提供的所有功能是有用的。

为什么是 CSI Driver?

  • Ensure private keys never leave the node and are never sent over the network. All private keys are stored locally on the node.
  • Unique key and certificate per application replica with a grantee to be present on application run time.
  • Reduce resource management overhead by defining certificate request spec in-line of the Kubernetes Pod template.
  • Automatic renewal of certificates based on expiry of each individual certificate.
  • Keys and certificates are destroyed during application termination.
  • Scope for extending plugin behavior with visibility on each replica's certificate request and termination.


This CSI driver plugin makes use of the 'CSI inline volume' feature - Alpha as of v1.15 and beta in v1.16. Kubernetes versions v1.16 and higher require no extra configuration however v1.15 requires the following feature gate set:


You must have a working installation of cert-manager present on the cluster. Instructions on how to install cert-manager can be found on cert-manager.io.

To install the csi-driver, use helm install:

helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io --force-update
helm upgrade -i -n cert-manager cert-manager-csi-driver jetstack/cert-manager-csi-driver --wait

Or apply the static manifests to your cluster:

helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io --force-update
helm template jetstack/cert-manager-csi-driver | kubectl apply -n cert-manager -f -

You can verify the installation has completed correctly by checking the presence of the CSIDriver resource as well as a CSINode resource present for each node, referencing csi.cert-manager.io.

$ kubectl get csidrivers
NAME                     CREATED AT
csi.cert-manager.io   2019-09-06T16:55:19Z

$ kubectl get csinodes -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
  kind: CSINode
    name: kind-control-plane
    - apiVersion: v1
      kind: Node
      name: kind-control-plane
    - name: csi.cert-manager.io
      nodeID: kind-control-plane
      topologyKeys: null

The CSI driver is now installed and is ready to be used for pods in the cluster.


To request certificates from cert-manager, simply define a volume mount where the key and certificate will be written to, along with a volume with attributes that define the cert-manager request. The following is a dummy app that mounts a key certificate pair to /tls and has been signed by the ca-issuer with a DNS name valid for my-service.sandbox.svc.cluster.local.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-csi-app
  namespace: sandbox
    app: my-csi-app
    - name: my-frontend
      image: busybox
      - mountPath: "/tls"
        name: tls
      command: [ "sleep", "1000000" ]
    - name: tls
        driver: csi.cert-manager.io
              csi.cert-manager.io/issuer-name: ca-issuer
              csi.cert-manager.io/dns-names: ${POD_NAME}.${POD_NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local

Once created, the CSI driver will generate a private key locally, request a certificate from cert-manager based on the given attributes, then store both locally to be mounted to the pod. The pod will remain in a pending state until this process has been completed.

For more information on how to set up issuers for your cluster, refer to the cert-manager documentation here. Note it is not possible to use SelfSigned Issuers with the CSI Driver. In order for cert-manager to self sign a certificate, it needs access to the secret containing the private key that signed the certificate request to sign the end certificate. This secret is not used and so not available in the CSI driver use case.


The csi-driver driver aims to have complete feature parity with all possible values available through the cert-manager API however currently supports the following values;

Attribute Description Default Example
csi.cert-manager.io/issuer-name The Issuer name to sign the certificate request. ca-issuer
csi.cert-manager.io/issuer-kind The Issuer kind to sign the certificate request. Issuer ClusterIssuer
csi.cert-manager.io/issuer-group The group name the Issuer belongs to. cert-manager.io out.of.tree.foo
csi.cert-manager.io/common-name Certificate common name (supports variables). my-cert.foo
csi.cert-manager.io/dns-names DNS names the certificate will be requested for. At least a DNS Name, IP or URI name must be present (supports variables). a.b.foo.com,c.d.foo.com
csi.cert-manager.io/ip-sans IP addresses the certificate will be requested for.,
csi.cert-manager.io/uri-sans URI names the certificate will be requested for (supports variables). spiffe://foo.bar.cluster.local
csi.cert-manager.io/duration Requested duration the signed certificate will be valid for. 720h 1880h
csi.cert-manager.io/is-ca Mark the certificate as a certificate authority. false true
csi.cert-manager.io/key-usages Set the key usages on the certificate request. digital signature,key encipherment server auth,client auth
csi.cert-manager.io/key-encoding Set the key encoding format (PKCS1 or PKCS8). PKCS1 PKCS8
csi.cert-manager.io/certificate-file File name to store the certificate file at. tls.crt foo.crt
csi.cert-manager.io/ca-file File name to store the ca certificate file at. ca.crt foo.ca
csi.cert-manager.io/privatekey-file File name to store the key file at. tls.key foo.key
csi.cert-manager.io/fs-group Set the FS Group of written files. Should be paired with and match the value of the consuming container runAsGroup. 2000
csi.cert-manager.io/renew-before The time to renew the certificate before expiry. Defaults to a third of the requested duration. $CERT_DURATION/3 72h
csi.cert-manager.io/reuse-private-key Re-use the same private when when renewing certificates. false true
csi.cert-manager.io/pkcs12-enable Enable writing the signed certificate chain and private key as a PKCS12 file. true
csi.cert-manager.io/pkcs12-filename File location to write the PKCS12 file. Requires csi.cert-manager.io/keystore-pkcs12-enable be set to true. keystore.p12 tls.p12
csi.cert-manager.io/pkcs12-password Password used to encode the PKCS12 file. Required when PKCS12 is enabled (csi.cert-manager.io/keystore-pkcs12-enable: true). my-password


The following attributes support variables that are evaluated when a request is made for the mounting Pod. These variables are useful for constructing requests with SANs that contain values from the mounting Pod.


Variables follow the go os.Expand structure, which is generally what you would expect on a UNIX shell. The CSI driver has access to the following variables:



  csi.cert-manager.io/issuer-name: ca-issuer
  csi.cert-manager.io/dns-names: "${POD_NAME}.${POD_NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local"
  csi.cert-manager.io/uri-sans: "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/${POD_NAMESPACE}/pod/${POD_NAME}/${POD_UID}"
  csi.cert-manager.io/common-name: "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}.${POD_NAMESPACE}"

使用挂载 Pod 的 ServiceAccount 请求证书

If the flag --use-token-request is enabled on the csi-driver DaemonSet, the CertificateRequest resource will be created by the mounting Pod's ServiceAccount. This can be pared with approver-policy to enable advanced policy on a per ServiceAccount basis.

Ensure to give permissions to Pod ServiceAccounts to create CertificateRequests with this flag enabled, i.e:

# WARNING: This RBAC will enable any identiy in the cluster to create
# CertificateRequests. This may or may not be problimatic based on your security
# model. It is likely worth scoping the set of identities in the
# `ClusterRoleBinding` `subjects` stanza.
kind: ClusterRole
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: cert-manager-csi-driver-all-cr-create
  - apiGroups: ["cert-manager.io"]
    resources: ["certificaterequests"]
    verbs: ["create"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: cert-manager-csi-driver-all-cr-create
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cert-manager-csi-driver-all-cr-create
  - apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
    kind: Group
    name: system:authenticated