
迁移废弃的 API 源

'cert-manager installation: Removal of deprecated APIs'

The following cert-manager APIs were deprecated in cert-manager v1.4:

  • cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
  • cert-manager.io/v1alpha3
  • cert-manager.io/v1beta1
  • acme.cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
  • acme.cert-manager.io/v1alpha3
  • acme.cert-manager.io/v1beta1

These APIs are no longer served in cert-manager 1.6 and are fully removed in cert-manager 1.7. If you have a cert-manager installation that is using or has previously used these deprecated APIs you might need to upgrade your cert-manager custom resources and CRDs. This should be done before upgrading to cert-manager 1.6 or later.

An earlier version of this document listed a number of kubectl commands to run to migrate resources. These steps have now been encoded in [`cmctl upgrade migrate-api-version` command](../../reference/cmctl.md#migrate-api-version). If you have already run the kubectl commands, your resources should have been migrated and there should be no need to also run the `cmctl` command. However, if you are not sure, you can still run the `cmctl` command as well- it will be a no-op if no actions are needed.

Upgrading existing cert-manager resources

  1. Familiarize yourself with the official Kubernetes documentation on CRD versioning.

  2. Make sure your cert-manager deployment is currently at version v1.0 or later.

  3. Make sure that any cert-manager custom resource manifests that refer to the deprecated APIs are updated to use the cert-manager.io/v1 API and re-applied. You can use the cmctl convert commandto convert manifests.

  4. Run the command cmctl upgrade migrate-api-version. It automates the steps described in Upgrade existing objects to a new stored version.