

'cert-manager installation: 升级 cert-manager 概述'

本节包含有关升级 cert-manager 的信息。 它还包含详细描述 cert-manager 版本之间的重大变化的文档,以及升级时需要注意的信息。


在升级cert-manager之前,建议备份所有cert-manager源,以防在升级过程中出现问题。 备份和恢复cert-manager的操作请参见备份和恢复指南

We recommend that you upgrade cert-manager one minor version at a time, always choosing the latest patch version for the minor version. You should always read the release notes for the minor version to which you are upgrading. In cases where a large version jump is needed to get an installation up to date, it may be possible to do a full uninstall and re-install of cert-manager without application downtime and/or unnecessary re-issuances, however we do not guarantee that this will work for your particular setup see Reinstalling cert-manager.

用 Helm 升级

If you installed cert-manager using Helm, you can easily upgrade using the Helm CLI.

Note: Before upgrading, please read the relevant instructions at the links below for your from and to version.

Once you have read the relevant upgrading notes and taken any appropriate actions, you can begin the upgrade process like so - replacing <release_name> with the name of your Helm release for cert-manager (usually this is cert-manager) and replacing <version> with the version number you want to install.

Add the Jetstack Helm repository (if you haven't already) and update it.

helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
helm repo update jetstack

The helm upgrade command will upgrade cert-manager to the specified or latest version of cert-manager, as listed on the cert-manager Helm chart documentation page.

Note: You can find out your release name using helm list | grep cert-manager.

独立管理的 CRDs

If you have installed the CRDs separately (instead of with the --set installCRDs=true option added to your Helm install command), you should upgrade your CRD resources first:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/<version>/cert-manager.crds.yaml

And then upgrade the Helm chart:

helm upgrade --version <version> <release_name> jetstack/cert-manager

使用 helm 管理 CRDs

If you have installed the CRDs together with the helm install command, you should include CRD resources when upgrading the Helm chart:

helm upgrade --set installCRDs=true --version <version> <release_name> jetstack/cert-manager


If you installed cert-manager using the static deployment manifests published on each release, you can upgrade them in a similar way to how you first installed them.

Note: Before upgrading, please read the relevant instructions at the links below Note: for your from and to version.

Once you have read the relevant notes and taken any appropriate actions, you can begin the upgrade process like so - replacing <version> with the version number you want to install:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/<version>/cert-manager.yaml

Once you have deployed the new version of cert-manager, you can verify the installation.

重新安装 cert-manager

In some cases there may be a need to do a full uninstall and re-install of cert-manager. An example could be when a very old cert-manager version needs to be brought up to date and it isn't feasible to upgrade one minor version at a time, which is our default recommended upgrade strategy.

If cert-manager CustomResourceDefinitions are also uninstalled, this will mean loss of associated cert-manager custom resources such as Certificates. The main concern associated with this is application downtime and unnecessary certificate reissuance, that could happen if Secrets with the X.509 certificates get deleted. You can use --enable-certificate-owner-ref flag on the cert-manager controller to configure whether the Secrets should be deleted. If this flag is set to true, each Secret will have an owner reference to the Certificate for which it was created and when the Certificate is deleted, the Secret will be garbage collected. The default value for this flag is false. If the Certificates get deleted and re-applied, but the Secrets remain in the cluster, the newly applied Certificates should be able to pick up the same Secrets and should not unnecessarily reissue the X.509 certs.

When uninstalling and re-installing in order to upgrade, you should still read through the release notes for each skipped version.

Some things to look out for when considering uninstalling and re-installing cert-manager including the CRDs:

  • Is --enable-certificate-owner-ref flag currently set to true or could it have been set to true at some point previously? Due to an earlier bug, the owner reference that gets added to Secrets is not removed when the value of --enable-certificate-owner-ref is changed from true to false, see cert-manager#4788
  • Are there currently any certificate issuances in progress? If so, with the custom resources deleted, the progress will be lost. This could potentially cause duplicated issuances.
  • Is there a need to convert cert-manager custom resource manifests to v1 API? You can use cmctl convert command to do that.