
常见问题 (FAQ)

在本页上,您将找到有关 cert-manager 的一些常见问题的答案。


publicly trustedself-signed是什么意思?



These terms are defined in the TLS Terminology page.



This is a feature in cert-manager starting in v0.16 using the cmctl CLI. More information can be found on the renew command's page


为了确定是否需要重新颁发证书,证书管理器会查看Certificate源规范和最新的CertificateRequest规范, 以及Secret中包含X.509证书的数据。


  • Certificate规范上命名的Secret,不存在,缺少私钥或证书数据或包含损坏的数据
  • 存储在Secret 中的私钥与Certificate上的私钥规格不匹配
  • 已发出证书的公开密匙与储存在Secret内的私钥不相符。
  • Secret上的cert-manager颁发者注释与Certificate上指定的颁发者不匹配
  • 颁发证书上的DNS名称、IP地址、url或电子邮件地址与Certificate规范上的不匹配
  • 证书需要更新(因为已过期或更新时间已过)
  • 证书已被标记为手动更新使用cmctl


  • CertificateRequest中发现的CSR上的通用名称与Certificate规范上的不匹配
  • CertificateRequest中发现的CSR的主题字段与Certificate规范的主题字段不匹配
  • CertificateRequest上的持续时间与Certificate规范上的持续时间不匹配
  • Certificate规范上的 isCA 字段值与CertificateRequest不匹配
  • CertificateRequest规范中的DNS名称、IP地址、url或电子邮件地址与Certificate规范中的不匹配
  • CertificateRequest规范上的关键用法与Certificate规范上的不匹配


请注意,对于某些字段,只有当存在CertificateRequest时才会触发更改后的重新发布, 证书管理器可以使用CertificateRequest来确定Certificate的规范自上次发布以来是否发生了更改。 这是因为某些颁发者可能不尊重这些字段的请求值,因此我们不能依赖已颁发的X.509证书中的值。 一个这样的字段是.spec.duration——如果有一个CertificateRequest进行比较,对该字段的更改只会触发重新发布。 如果您需要重新签发,但由于没有CertificateRequest(即在备份和恢复之后)而无法自动触发重新签发, 您可以使用cmctl renew手动触发它。

为什么我的根证书不在我颁发的 Secret tls.crt中?

Occasionally, people work with systems which have made a flawed choice regarding TLS chains. The TLS spec has the following section for the "Server Certificate" section of the TLS handshake:

This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender's certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it. Because certificate validation requires that root keys be distributed independently, the self-signed certificate that specifies the root certificate authority MAY be omitted from the chain, under the assumption that the remote end must already possess it in order to validate it in any case.

In a standard, secure and correctly configured TLS environment, adding a root certificate to the chain is almost always unnecessary and wasteful.

There are two ways that a certificate can be trusted:

  • explicitly, by including it in a trust store.
  • through a signature, by following the certificate's chain back up to an explicitly trusted certificate.

Crucially, root certificates are by definition self-signed and they cannot be validated through a signature.

As such, if we have a client trying to validate the certificate chain sent by the server, the client must already have the root before the connection is started. If the client already has the root, there was no point in it being sent by the server!

The same logic with not sending root certificates applies for servers trying to validate client certificates; the same justification is given in the TLS RFC.


cert-manager publishes all events to the Kubernetes events mechanism, you can get the events for your specific resources using kubectl describe <resource> <name>.

Due to the nature of the Kubernetes event mechanism these will be purged after a while. If you're using a dedicated logging system it might be able or is already also storing Kubernetes events.


{/_ This empty link preserves old links to #what-happens-if-a-renewal-doesn't happen?-will-it-be-tried-again-after-some-time?", which matched the old title of this section _/}

cert-manager will retry a failed issuance except for a few rare edge cases where manual intervention is needed.

If an issuance fails because of a temporary error, it will be retried again with a short exponential backoff (currently 5 seconds to 5 minutes). A temporary error is one that does not result in a failed CertificateRequest.

If the issuance fails with an error that resulted in a failed CertificateRequest, it will be retried with a longer binary exponential backoff (1 hour to 32 hours) to avoid overwhelming external services.

You can always trigger immediate renewal using the cmctl renew command

是否支持 ECC(椭圆曲线加密)?

cert-manager supports ECDSA key pairs! You can set your certificate to use ECDSA in the privateKey part of your Certificate resource.

For example:

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: ecdsa
  secretName: ecdsa-cert
  isCA: false
    algorithm: ECDSA
    size: 256
    - ecdsa.example.com
  issuerRef: [...]

Default duration is 90 days. If renewBefore has not been set, Certificate will be renewed ⅔ through its actual duration.


Kubernetes 有一个内置的CertificateSigningRequestAPI。为什么不用呢?

Kubernetes has a Certificate Signing Requests API, and a [kubectl certificates command] which allows you to approve certificate signing requests and have them signed by the certificate authority (CA) of the Kubernetes cluster.

This API and CLI have occasionally been misused to sign certificates for use by non-control-plane Pods but this is a mistake. For the security of the Kubernetes cluster, it is important to limit access to the Kubernetes certificate authority, and it is important that you do not use that certificate authority to sign certificates which are used outside of the control-plane, because such certificates increase the opportunity for attacks on the Kubernetes API server.

In Kubernetes 1.19 the Certificate Signing Requests API has reached V1 and it can be used more generally by following (or automating) the Request Signing Process.

cert-manager currently has some limited experimental support for this resource.

How to write cert-manager

cert-manager should always be written in lowercase. Even when it would normally be capitalized such as in titles or at the start of sentences. A hyphen should always be used between the words, don't replace it with a space and don't remove it.